Monday, December 3, 2012

5 for Five!


Last Week's 5 for Five!

1. Get the house decorated for Christmas!! This includes two Christmas trees and misc. stuff around the house. I want to find some pretty garland to put on the mantle.
2. Finish my online Health assignments! One chapter quiz left, review questions that are due Dec. 7th, and hopefully she will have the study guide for the exam up early this week.
3. Catch-up lunch/dinner with my friend April! We've known each other for about 6 years now. But haven't seen each other in at least 3. We're planning for lunch tomorrow but at least at some point this week!
4. Order Christmas cards!! Since CJ and I have been married (8 years on Thursday) I have sent out Christmas cards...ONE TIME!!! I have a card I've designed on to decide if I love it :-)
5. STAY CALM THIS WEEK!! Friday is CJ's 6-month check-up with the oncologist where we will find out if the radiation treatments helped and we can go ahead with another blood patch. If it didn't work then we have to figure out the next game plan to try to keep him as healthy as possible and up and moving around for the next 20 years. This will be the hardest thing for me to do this week!
Well I accomplished one thing last week LOL!!! I got one tree up but mom hasn't had a chance to bring the other tree over. I got my last weekly quiz done for my health class but haven't finished the review questions. And we all know that me staying calm about CJ's appointment didn't happen. And then life was so crazy to get together with my friend April. Hopefully this week (although I have tons of work to get done).

This Weeks 5 for Five!!

1. Get the house decorated for Christmas!! I have family arriving Thursday afternoon and I would really like the downstairs tree up and decorated before they get here-even though they may not come over to the house.
2. Finish all assignments for all 4 classes!!! This is so not optional this week!! I have two exams that start this week, one exam Wednesday night, and three exams next week. Yes I have 6 exams for 4 classes.
3. Start addressing Christmas cards!! They arrived crazy fast! Like ordered them Monday morning and they were here Wednesday afternoon.
4. Post about swaps that should be arriving today. November Cara Box & an ornament swap. Another ornament swap should arrive this week.
5. Get swap packages out on time this week. One needs to be out no later than Wednesday the other Friday. My goal is to get them both out tomorrow!!

In any event. I honestly don't know how much I'll be around this week. It's cram week with crazy amounts of work due (I take full responsibility for a few of these assignments because I should have been working on them all semester). Friday afternoon is my follow-up with the orthopedic surgeon-I'm hoping to schedule surgery because my knee is still killing me and I'm really hoping he doesn't make me wait 6 months to see if the injection might start working.

Have a great Monday!!!


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