But now I am a week away from surgery (hopefully this time next week I will be out of surgery and on my way home) and it hit me this morning...Thursday night may be the last time I bowl. I know I won't be bowling for three months and that is difficult enough...but then to think about not being able to bowl again ever hurts my heart. My brother went through much greater knee injuries than I have and he rehabbed well. I have to be realistic and know it is a possibility.
Speaking of my surgery...I have so much stuff to get done around the house!!! I really want the house to be spotless before my surgery but I don't think/know how that will happen. We started making plans with my parents last night. My mom took the day off of work so she can take me and my dad will stay home with the boys. We will spend the night with my parents Thursday night (we have to be at the surgery center at 8am) and then definitely spend Friday night there as well. If I am up to going home Saturday after dinner than we can head home but it may be easier to stay with my parents thru the weekend since CJ has to bowl Sunday night and I don't know that I will be up to going. I started stocking up on some grocery/personal items at the store this week. CJ will have to do grocery shopping for a few weeks so I'd like to make it as easy as possible for him. I wanted to make some meals ahead of time but I don't think there will be time for that. Wednesday night I'm going out with my friend Carrie from school and Thursday I have lunch with my friend Jennifer and then my pre-op appointment!
Time to get back to wrapping presents :-) If I'm not back around before Tuesday....MERRY CHRISTMAS...Remember the reason for the season!
Sending some prayers your way! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!!