My goals for this week!
1. Enjoy family time today and tomorrow!! I am so looking forward to spending time with my parents and brother and sister-in-law. I see my parents twice a week and spend all day on Saturdays with them but its not the same as being with them on holidays. I hope this year is easier on my mom and I than last year. It was our first one since my aunt had passed last year and then the health issues with CJ made it very emotional last year.
2. Get all laundry done before Friday! Come Friday morning CJ will be in charge of laundry completely for a week (maybe a little longer) and then will be carrying it up and down the stairs for me (downfall to the laundry room being DOWNSTAIRS). I normally would be worried about him ruining some of my clothes but I will be in sweats and yoga pants for a while nothing to hard about washing those!
3. Finish cleaning the house! We got a lot done yesterday. 3 loads of laundry, the master bath cleaned, the boys bathroom cleaned, the bonus room picked up, and the kitchen counters scrubbed. I still need to mop the kitchen floor, clean the half bath, and vacuum the house. I plan on doing the kitchen floor this morning before we head out and then doing the half bath and the vacuuming either Wednesday or Thursday.
4. Get out of the house as much as possible! Since I will be home-bound for a week or so I plan on getting out of the house as much as possible!! Today & tomorrow we'll be at my moms, Wednesday night I am going to dinner with a girlfriend from school, Thursday afternoon I am going to lunch with a friend and her kids, & then Thursday night we have league. Granted I will be at my parents ALL next weekend so CJ has help with the boys and me (mainly for my peace of mind and so I can rest).
5. Get at least one post ready for after surgery! I'd like to have a couple ready to go for Friday, Saturday, & Sunday but we shall see if I leave myself enough time to work on them. If nothing else I can do them Thursday night when I'm NOT sleeping. I don't handle surgery stress well-like it's already worrying me and I haven't slept well since Thursday night!!
I hope I can get everything done. A few things HAVE to be done :-)
I need to go mop the kitchen before the boys wake up and then get ready to go visit my Granna. I miss her so much!!!
I'm sorry that you've had ER visit and an upcoming knee surgery! I hope that everything goals well and that you'll be healing in no time at all!
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up with us for {5 for Five}! You have some fantastic goals for the week ahead! Definitely enjoy your time out of the house while you have the week to do it! I'm sure that getting the laundry done and the house super clean will help with your post surgery stress!
Again, best wishes with the surgery and I hope you're feeling 100% in no time at all!
Doesn't it always seem that there is laundry to wash or fold or put away? Bah I can't imagine doing it for more than me or my husband. Hopefully, blogging will keep your mind off surgery worries. I am stopping by from the link up and would love for you to stop by my blog sometime.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas,
I hope the surgery goes well and you have lots of fun out of the house adventure prior to the surgery.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes for your surgery! And I definitely need to do #2, my mountains of laundry have multiplied! haha. Happy Holidays!