Kindergarten registration started Monday. I haven't made it up to the school yet to get Hayden registered but I probably will get that done next week just so it's done and out of the way. He is currently in speech therapy at his preschool and has been since the end of September/beginning of October. He is improving but still has a long ways to go. He tries to talk so fast that you just can't understand him and he doesn't enunciate everything as clearly as a 4 1/2 year old should. He is going to be my tough child when it comes to school. He doesn't catch onto things as easily as Deqlan does and it is so hard to not compare the two. I had bought workbooks for Deqlan when he was in preschool that we never used so I pulled those out today and will be making some games for Hayden to work on recognizing his letters (the child can spell his first and last names but cannot tell you what the letters are) and to work on his writing skills. I have to remind myself that Hayden will be one of the youngest kids (if not the youngest) in his Kindergarten class since his birthday is just 10 days before the cutoff (b-day is Aug. 21 cutoff is Aug. 31).
Deqlan is doing well. School is incredibly easy for him and we cannot wait for him to start the AG program next school year to give him a little more of a challenge! We had to have a heart-to-heart last week about him not putting 100% effort into his work. He is so bored that he doesn't feel it's important to do his best. Since our chat he is doing much much better. I got him registered for spring ball on Monday and had a little chat with the head of our parks & rec program. He was trying to convince me to get Deqlan to play select ball again this year. As much as we would LOVE for Deqlan to get an extra 4 months of practice and game time in it will be the same coach as last year and the same coach who cheated Deqlan out of a spot on the all-star team (Deq was nominated & had the votes-his son had none-but was left off the team so the coaches son could play). I told the man at parks & rec that he could call Deqlan himself and ask him to he did and Deqlan said, "I will not play for Coach W." His two best friends from select last year are not playing either because of the coach. I also told them that he will not play Spring ball for him so don't put him on that team or you will be refunding us our money. Coach W completely killed Deqlan's love for baseball last year and I won't let him do it again.
I am doing alright. I think I will be back to my usual self in a short period of time since CJ is back at work. I have been battling some sinus issues for almost two weeks now that I just can't seem to get to go away even with antibiotics and steroid sprays and over the counter medicines. Last week was an incredibly lazy week for me because of how poor I felt. Thankfully I am getting my energy back and my house is very thankful for that! I am having knee issues again (still) and had an appointment on Monday with my surgeon. I had some issues over the weekend with my knee completely giving out on me (once while bowling) so I will be having another MRI soon to make sure that I didn't tear my meniscus (the doctor always thinks that is my problem because I have all the signs of it). He wants me to take some time off from bowling again BUT I am just now getting back to where I was before surgery so I will wait and see what the MRI says. Hopefully if I did tear my meniscus we can wait until the end of May to do the surgery so I don't miss out on my Reno trip for Nationals.
I think that's about it from around here. I am working on getting caught up on house work and getting the last few things of Christmas packed away. I spent yesterday organizing and cleaning out some kitchen cabinets (formula dispensers, sippy cups, plastic containers, etc) and I ended up with two full bags of trash/recycling. I cannot wait to have this house back in order!
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