I bowled another two games yesterday. My goal next week is to get to the bowling center at least 4 days to practice and be up to 4 games by the end of the week. I didn't have a chance to practice any last week since I was so busy getting ready for my trip! Last night was position round in our league (I'm still not bowling in league). We bowled for first place and with a win that would put us in the roll-offs for league champion next week...and WE WON!!! The first game we won by over 100 pins...the 2nd game we won by 1 pin...The third game we won by like 80 :-) Super excited that we were able to find two bowlers to fill our team half way through the year. One of our bowlers just stopped showing up with no notice so when I found a friend to bowl for me while I had my surgery his brother was looking for a team too so it ended up working out perfectly. We would love for both of them to bowl with us next year but we only have one spot since I'll be back.
We have a busy weekend ahead of us. Deqlan has his last morning of bowling league tomorrow morning. Then as soon as he finishes there we have to drive about an hour away for a huge baseball tournament!! We have two games tomorrow afternoon and one on Sunday. We will be happy with one win out of 3. We had a double header Wednesday night and got absolutely blown out (total score from both games 31-3). But the upside the kids played so much better in the field than they have been and made some amazing plays. Our catcher caught his first foul pop-up to end an inning! You would have thought he won the game the way he got tackled by his teammates :-) I'm hoping that we can hit the ball better than we did Wednesday night but as long as they stay positive and work hard all of us parents will be happy!
I am hoping to see some pictures from the party this weekend and as soon as I get some I will post them!!
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