I hope everyone is doing well...I will be back at some point soon...Rec games start next week!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Baseball has taken over
I wish I could post more...but right now our lives have been taken over with baseball!!! Deq had practice Monday night (that we ended up missing due to a migraine), we went to the Canes game last night, we have select practice tonight, and a scrimmage tomorrow night (praying for rain so I can get to the bowling center and cheer my team on in the roll-offs). I haven't cooked dinner since Tuesday night last week (yep a week ago)! And it will probably be Friday night before I cook dinner this week since practice is at 6 tonight. We shall see if I get my act together this afternoon to get something made. We have chicken in the fridge so I may just throw that in the oven with some barbeque sauce.
I hope everyone is doing well...I will be back at some point soon...Rec games start next week!
I hope everyone is doing well...I will be back at some point soon...Rec games start next week!
Friday, April 19, 2013
I had a productive day yesterday :-) First one all week!! Let me tell you that Monday and Tuesday were ugly around here. I was so tired that I wasn't the nicest person to be around. I am feeling much better now, even though I am still pretty worn out. Yesterday I got two loads of laundry I had done earlier in the week folded and put away and then got 3 more loads completely done as well (that is EXTREMELY rare in my house)!
I bowled another two games yesterday. My goal next week is to get to the bowling center at least 4 days to practice and be up to 4 games by the end of the week. I didn't have a chance to practice any last week since I was so busy getting ready for my trip! Last night was position round in our league (I'm still not bowling in league). We bowled for first place and with a win that would put us in the roll-offs for league champion next week...and WE WON!!! The first game we won by over 100 pins...the 2nd game we won by 1 pin...The third game we won by like 80 :-) Super excited that we were able to find two bowlers to fill our team half way through the year. One of our bowlers just stopped showing up with no notice so when I found a friend to bowl for me while I had my surgery his brother was looking for a team too so it ended up working out perfectly. We would love for both of them to bowl with us next year but we only have one spot since I'll be back.
We have a busy weekend ahead of us. Deqlan has his last morning of bowling league tomorrow morning. Then as soon as he finishes there we have to drive about an hour away for a huge baseball tournament!! We have two games tomorrow afternoon and one on Sunday. We will be happy with one win out of 3. We had a double header Wednesday night and got absolutely blown out (total score from both games 31-3). But the upside the kids played so much better in the field than they have been and made some amazing plays. Our catcher caught his first foul pop-up to end an inning! You would have thought he won the game the way he got tackled by his teammates :-) I'm hoping that we can hit the ball better than we did Wednesday night but as long as they stay positive and work hard all of us parents will be happy!
I am hoping to see some pictures from the party this weekend and as soon as I get some I will post them!!
I bowled another two games yesterday. My goal next week is to get to the bowling center at least 4 days to practice and be up to 4 games by the end of the week. I didn't have a chance to practice any last week since I was so busy getting ready for my trip! Last night was position round in our league (I'm still not bowling in league). We bowled for first place and with a win that would put us in the roll-offs for league champion next week...and WE WON!!! The first game we won by over 100 pins...the 2nd game we won by 1 pin...The third game we won by like 80 :-) Super excited that we were able to find two bowlers to fill our team half way through the year. One of our bowlers just stopped showing up with no notice so when I found a friend to bowl for me while I had my surgery his brother was looking for a team too so it ended up working out perfectly. We would love for both of them to bowl with us next year but we only have one spot since I'll be back.
We have a busy weekend ahead of us. Deqlan has his last morning of bowling league tomorrow morning. Then as soon as he finishes there we have to drive about an hour away for a huge baseball tournament!! We have two games tomorrow afternoon and one on Sunday. We will be happy with one win out of 3. We had a double header Wednesday night and got absolutely blown out (total score from both games 31-3). But the upside the kids played so much better in the field than they have been and made some amazing plays. Our catcher caught his first foul pop-up to end an inning! You would have thought he won the game the way he got tackled by his teammates :-) I'm hoping that we can hit the ball better than we did Wednesday night but as long as they stay positive and work hard all of us parents will be happy!
I am hoping to see some pictures from the party this weekend and as soon as I get some I will post them!!
Monday, April 15, 2013
Amazing Weekend!
The weekend went by so incredibly fast :( But it was absolutely amazing!! I am so glad that I flew out to California for my Aunt's 50th birthday party. I was able to see family (some that I haven't seen in almost 16 years), I met some family members I had never met before (two of my great uncle's on my dad's side and a cousin), and I had the pleasure of meeting a woman who has dealt with such tragedy in the last few months.
Back at the beginning of February a former LAPD officer started a rampage on current police officers and their families in Southern California. On February 12th he engaged in a gun battle with San Bernardino County Sheriff's. It was there he killed another officer and seriously wounded another. The officer killed in those mountains was Jeremiah MacKay, a 15 year veteran of the department. He is the best friend of my cousin that I met this weekend. I had the pleasure of meeting Jeremiah's wife, Lynette this weekend at the party. She is an amazing woman who is handling this with such grace. I am so thankful for meeting her and hearing her story. It has been two months since she said see you later to her husband and since their kids got to see their daddy. She will always be in my thoughts and prayers.
The party itself was absolutely gorgeous. My aunt and uncle live on a mountain overlooking the city of Riverside which is just gorgeous at night all lit up. They hired a band to play (The Dave Silver Band) and they were amazing. Seriously, if you are in Southern California you need to check them out! They are a cover band but sound so good and definitely put on a great show. My aunt used to fly with one of the band members (Ozzie). I cannot wait to see pictures from the party (they hired a photographer). I left my phone in the bedroom all night so I could spend quality time with the family which means I have no pictures from the party!!
My flights home were uneventful. I am just absolutely exhausted and hope to catch up on some sleep this week. We have a busy week for the rest of the week. As in tonight and Friday night are our only nights at home with nothing going on!!
Back at the beginning of February a former LAPD officer started a rampage on current police officers and their families in Southern California. On February 12th he engaged in a gun battle with San Bernardino County Sheriff's. It was there he killed another officer and seriously wounded another. The officer killed in those mountains was Jeremiah MacKay, a 15 year veteran of the department. He is the best friend of my cousin that I met this weekend. I had the pleasure of meeting Jeremiah's wife, Lynette this weekend at the party. She is an amazing woman who is handling this with such grace. I am so thankful for meeting her and hearing her story. It has been two months since she said see you later to her husband and since their kids got to see their daddy. She will always be in my thoughts and prayers.
The party itself was absolutely gorgeous. My aunt and uncle live on a mountain overlooking the city of Riverside which is just gorgeous at night all lit up. They hired a band to play (The Dave Silver Band) and they were amazing. Seriously, if you are in Southern California you need to check them out! They are a cover band but sound so good and definitely put on a great show. My aunt used to fly with one of the band members (Ozzie). I cannot wait to see pictures from the party (they hired a photographer). I left my phone in the bedroom all night so I could spend quality time with the family which means I have no pictures from the party!!
My flights home were uneventful. I am just absolutely exhausted and hope to catch up on some sleep this week. We have a busy week for the rest of the week. As in tonight and Friday night are our only nights at home with nothing going on!!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
We had a great weekend!! Deqlan's sleepover ended up being a complete bust. Not a single one spent the night but they all stayed until about 10 so they had plenty of time to play and be crazy!! Saturday Deqlan had baseball practice so CJ took him while my mom and I went out and did some birthday shopping for him and then CJ took him to the Hurricanes game while Hayden and I hung out with my parents. Sunday was Deqlan's birthday. We did presents first thing in the morning and then CJ made some chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. I worked on getting the house picked up a bit and laundry going before we headed to the ball field for a double header. The weather was absolutely gorgeous (mid 70's with a warm breeze). We lost our first game but won our 2nd game. The boys looked 100% better the 2nd game!! We ended the weekend with a family dinner at Olive Garden (Deq's choice).
Aside from our great weekend, I feel like there is drama all around me right now. We are dealing with quite a bit of baseball drama because one of the select players who is on our rec team feels he is special and doesn't need to follow the rules. I should not put the blame on the child it belongs on the parents because they are the ones who are ultimately making the decisions on whether or not to bring him to practices. He is leaving our rec team short-handed and in turn will probably leave our select team short-handed since he is not playing rec like he is supposed to. Our neighborhood HOA has been a drama-fest for the past 3 weeks. It all started with the board elections when a newcomer to the neighborhood announced he would be running for HOA president and that he and a few others felt that the HOA president was not doing anything and started to trash her all over the neighborhood facebook page. I ended up having to call the cops one night because the president and her friend and this guy and one of his friends stood in my yard for 30 minutes screaming at each other like a bunch of school girls! Now it has been a constant battle in the neighborhood and people acting childish. It is driving me up the wall and at this point I just want to move to get away from the crazy people!!
I leave Friday morning for my weekend in California! I have been trying to get so much done around the house this week before I leave. Monday I ran a bunch of errands. Today I hit the grocery store since I ran out of time before picking up Hayden from school Monday and then came home to scrub the kitchen and mop the dining room floor. I've been working on laundry today (mainly folding stuff from this weekend) and will be continuing laundry through the rest of the week so I'm not behind when I get home. Tomorrow I think my plan is to clean the boys bathroom & the half bath downstairs (which CJ just did but did a horrible job on). Thursday will be spent getting a manicure and pedicure in the morning while Hayden is at school. Then after I get Deqlan from school we are going to my hairdresser's house so she can color my hair (again). Followed by baseball practice at 7:15. Once CJ gets home Thursday night he will run me to my parents house so I can sleep there and not wake the boys up when I leave Friday morning.
All of that to say I probably won't be around for the rest of the week since I'll be getting ready and then gone :-) So I hope everyone has a great weekend and this blogger drama is gone by the time I get back :-)
Aside from our great weekend, I feel like there is drama all around me right now. We are dealing with quite a bit of baseball drama because one of the select players who is on our rec team feels he is special and doesn't need to follow the rules. I should not put the blame on the child it belongs on the parents because they are the ones who are ultimately making the decisions on whether or not to bring him to practices. He is leaving our rec team short-handed and in turn will probably leave our select team short-handed since he is not playing rec like he is supposed to. Our neighborhood HOA has been a drama-fest for the past 3 weeks. It all started with the board elections when a newcomer to the neighborhood announced he would be running for HOA president and that he and a few others felt that the HOA president was not doing anything and started to trash her all over the neighborhood facebook page. I ended up having to call the cops one night because the president and her friend and this guy and one of his friends stood in my yard for 30 minutes screaming at each other like a bunch of school girls! Now it has been a constant battle in the neighborhood and people acting childish. It is driving me up the wall and at this point I just want to move to get away from the crazy people!!
I leave Friday morning for my weekend in California! I have been trying to get so much done around the house this week before I leave. Monday I ran a bunch of errands. Today I hit the grocery store since I ran out of time before picking up Hayden from school Monday and then came home to scrub the kitchen and mop the dining room floor. I've been working on laundry today (mainly folding stuff from this weekend) and will be continuing laundry through the rest of the week so I'm not behind when I get home. Tomorrow I think my plan is to clean the boys bathroom & the half bath downstairs (which CJ just did but did a horrible job on). Thursday will be spent getting a manicure and pedicure in the morning while Hayden is at school. Then after I get Deqlan from school we are going to my hairdresser's house so she can color my hair (again). Followed by baseball practice at 7:15. Once CJ gets home Thursday night he will run me to my parents house so I can sleep there and not wake the boys up when I leave Friday morning.
All of that to say I probably won't be around for the rest of the week since I'll be getting ready and then gone :-) So I hope everyone has a great weekend and this blogger drama is gone by the time I get back :-)
Friday, April 5, 2013
Tonight is Deqlan's sleepover!!! Pray for me to get through this night with 4 excited 8 year old boys!! And that we can keep Hayden entertained and away from big brother and his friends!!
Dear Spring Break, you went by much too quickly. As excited as I am to have my mornings back to myself next week it has been nice not dealing with carpool for 6 school days and not waking up to an alarm every morning!! I do believe you taught Deqlan how to sleep in again as well, thank you!!!
Dear Weekend, you are going to be crazy busy with a sleepover, at least one baseball practice, birthday shopping (nothing like waiting til the last minute), a double header, a birthday celebration, and getting ready for next week!!
Dear Next Week, I leave Friday morning to head to California for the weekend and a ton of things need to be done around the house to prepare. Plus I have a ton of things I still need to pick up or get done. Be kind to my wallet??
I bowled yesterday for the first time in 14 weeks!! I only threw one game but man did it feel good!!! I am a little sore this morning. I am trying to figure out when I'm going to be able to get some practice in next week before I leave but it will be a little tough with everything I have going on!!
Have a great weekend! I'll be back on Monday as a mother of an 8-year old!!
Dear Spring Break, you went by much too quickly. As excited as I am to have my mornings back to myself next week it has been nice not dealing with carpool for 6 school days and not waking up to an alarm every morning!! I do believe you taught Deqlan how to sleep in again as well, thank you!!!
Dear Weekend, you are going to be crazy busy with a sleepover, at least one baseball practice, birthday shopping (nothing like waiting til the last minute), a double header, a birthday celebration, and getting ready for next week!!
Dear Next Week, I leave Friday morning to head to California for the weekend and a ton of things need to be done around the house to prepare. Plus I have a ton of things I still need to pick up or get done. Be kind to my wallet??
I bowled yesterday for the first time in 14 weeks!! I only threw one game but man did it feel good!!! I am a little sore this morning. I am trying to figure out when I'm going to be able to get some practice in next week before I leave but it will be a little tough with everything I have going on!!
Have a great weekend! I'll be back on Monday as a mother of an 8-year old!!
Monday, April 1, 2013
Deqlan's birthday is SUNDAY!! He wants a sleepover Friday night and I JUST sent out the e-mails a little while ago. Oh and a cake...I'm just getting to that too. I've been so busy trying to get things ready for my trip that I just kept pushing back all of the birthday details. And of course he is on Spring Break this week and I haven't bought him ONE thing yet!! Guess I'll be going out Wednesday night when CJ gets home to do that shopping!
Friday my mom and I went out shopping for our cocktail dresses. It took forever to find a dress for me and now I'm pretty sure I am returning it! I have a dress I am pretty sure will work as long as I can find some shoes to go with it that are dressy enough with little to no heel. My knees can't handle heels at all. Other than shoes I think I have everything I need for my trip. Next week I'll be getting my hair colored, eyebrows done, & a pedicure (possibly a manicure as well).
I had another appointment with the surgeon today. I was completely expecting to be cleared since it's been 13 weeks and he told me 12 weeks at my consultation. Ha! He wants me to wait another 3 months before I start bowling. Which is just not going to happen since I leave for Reno in 5 1/2 weeks. It is completely frustrating to go from 3 months to 6 months with no reasoning whatsoever. I will be bowling this week. Definitely taking it easy but I have to get some practice out on the lanes asap.
Spring break is here for the boys! We will be getting some cleaning done in preparation for Deqlan's sleepover Friday night and hopefully get a fun lunch outing in. We love going to Kanki (Japanese Hibachi) and for just me and the boys if we can go for lunch and save quite a bit of money that's even better!
Have a great Monday!
Friday my mom and I went out shopping for our cocktail dresses. It took forever to find a dress for me and now I'm pretty sure I am returning it! I have a dress I am pretty sure will work as long as I can find some shoes to go with it that are dressy enough with little to no heel. My knees can't handle heels at all. Other than shoes I think I have everything I need for my trip. Next week I'll be getting my hair colored, eyebrows done, & a pedicure (possibly a manicure as well).
I had another appointment with the surgeon today. I was completely expecting to be cleared since it's been 13 weeks and he told me 12 weeks at my consultation. Ha! He wants me to wait another 3 months before I start bowling. Which is just not going to happen since I leave for Reno in 5 1/2 weeks. It is completely frustrating to go from 3 months to 6 months with no reasoning whatsoever. I will be bowling this week. Definitely taking it easy but I have to get some practice out on the lanes asap.
Spring break is here for the boys! We will be getting some cleaning done in preparation for Deqlan's sleepover Friday night and hopefully get a fun lunch outing in. We love going to Kanki (Japanese Hibachi) and for just me and the boys if we can go for lunch and save quite a bit of money that's even better!
Have a great Monday!
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