I didn't nap yesterday afternoon which made last night much easier for me. I cannot take my two pills together. When I do they knock me out!! CJ felt so bad yesterday because he forgot to take something out for dinner before he left for work. We ended up with Burger King for dinner (not that I could eat it-my teeth are bothering me). He did take something out before he went to bed last night so at least no fast food tonight :-)
I feel like the house is a disaster but I really can't get up and clean it. I want to get laundry done but I can't. I really didn't think it would bother me as much as it is. Especially so quickly!
I am hoping to take Hayden to school and make a stop at a little gift shop on the way home. I want to get some things for classes and they are having a huge sale starting today. I am sure I will pay for this later today!!
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