Deqlan's baseball team had their first set of games yesterday afternoon. They lost the first game 7-2 but won their second game 7-5. Of the 9 runs his team scored he hit in 4 of them!!!! He also had two hits on the day :-) I was so proud of him. He didn't get to play as much in the field as he wanted to but if he keeps playing the way he did yesterday he will get more playing time.
I brought sunscreen with me to put on Hayden when we got out there and then completely forgot. My poor little man's face is fried! My face, chest, and the the tops of my feet are red as well. It was absolutely gorgeous out yesterday, made it a perfect day for some baseball!!
The games ended a lot earlier than expected so we were able to go surprise CJ at the bowling center for his birthday which made him happy. Plus the boys got to see their friends and we got to see a friend we hadn't seen in a couple of years. All in all it was a good day for us.
It's time I get back on track with getting things done around the house. Spring is on it's way in and the last thing I want to have to worry about is keeping this house clean so I want to get as much done during the week as possible so my weekend's are less crazy (since we'll be playing ball all weekend!)
My 5 for FIVE for this week!!
Clean out & organize the pantry. It is an absolute disaster zone. CJ just puts things away where ever he sees an empty spot so we have mashed potatoes with cereal and vegetables with soup. Not only that but we have a whole section of candy (from like last Easter) that no one has eaten so it needs to go!
Go thru clothes in the attic. I have saved all of Deqlan's clothes as he has outgrown them. Hayden is in desperate need of some shorts for this spring & summer (after not having to buy him any for two years). I'm pretty sure we have shorts that will fit him the question is where are they :-)
Organize & clean master bedroom. My room tends to be a disaster zone. We are hardly ever home so when we just put things down in our room they stay there for a while. I'm so sick of having the boys stuff in here!
Get ahead in my Personal Finance class. I'm dropping my Political Science class this week since I'm so far behind in it. I'm doing well in my Personal Finance class and want to go ahead and take a couple of the next tests so I don't have as much work to do as the weather gets nicer :-)
Make a chore list for the entire family. Deqlan's rec baseball team will be beginning practices in a couple of weeks so we will be juggling two baseball teams and 3 of us bowling which means needing help on keeping the house clean!
Make a plan for some freezer meals. I want to try to get some dinners made and in the freezer for ball nights especially for rec ball since they are during the week. Plus we have been eating out entirely too much lately!!
I know it's six things but I gotta get these things done :-)