My knee is still really bothering me. I have crutches to use today for walking to class but they are such a pain and I am not very coordinated on them so I don't know that I will actually use them (plus they hurt my shoulders). I'm feeling very down about this whole process right now. I am already convinced that it didn't work-which is difficult to feel that way since I got two different pieces of information-one from the nurse who said I'd be back to normal the next day and one from the doctor who said take it easy for 3 weeks.
I'm off to class this morning but I will try to check back in this afternoon and give an update of my weekend. I am going to try to get some posts drafted while I'm on break this week so I have some things ready to go while I finish up the semester. So if there is anything you want to know please leave it in the comments below!!
Hey lady! I just wanted to say I love my package!!! I also nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Check out my blog post for more information.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving break! I love writing my post ahead of makes blogging easier. I love finding other's like you instantly have a connection with them. I agree...our way is the best way to spell's spelled how it sounds!