My partner and I both had hard times getting our packages for this months Cara swap out but we should both have them tomorrow :-)
Friday, November 30, 2012
November Cara Box
My partner and I both had hard times getting our packages for this months Cara swap out but we should both have them tomorrow :-)
Going to be a busy one!
CJ's doctors appointment is this afternoon. We have to be at the hospital for a 2:30 CT scan and then a 4pm appointment. I'm hoping we are home by 6 but that may be pushing it.
I need to do grocery shopping & a little bit of Christmas shopping this morning after I drop Hayden off at school. Hopefully while I am gone getting that stuff done CJ will get the Christmas things out of the attic so we can get some decorating done tonight. We won't be home basically all weekend and with next week being crunch week & then finals it will probably be the week of Christmas before the house is completely decorated. But it will get done!
I have so much homework to get done this weekend and I'll be sitting in a bowling center for the majority of it. I'll be bringing my Christmas cards to address while I watch Deqlan bowl so that will be one less thing I have to work on at home. Sunday we are going straight from Deqlan's tournament to another bowling center for CJ to bowl league so I will have to bring homework with me for that.
If you could today please keep us in your thoughts & prayers we are both very anxious about this afternoons appointment. Up until Monday we were both very positive and excited for it. But with the things that have happened this week we are preparing ourselves for the worse.
I need to do grocery shopping & a little bit of Christmas shopping this morning after I drop Hayden off at school. Hopefully while I am gone getting that stuff done CJ will get the Christmas things out of the attic so we can get some decorating done tonight. We won't be home basically all weekend and with next week being crunch week & then finals it will probably be the week of Christmas before the house is completely decorated. But it will get done!
I have so much homework to get done this weekend and I'll be sitting in a bowling center for the majority of it. I'll be bringing my Christmas cards to address while I watch Deqlan bowl so that will be one less thing I have to work on at home. Sunday we are going straight from Deqlan's tournament to another bowling center for CJ to bowl league so I will have to bring homework with me for that.
If you could today please keep us in your thoughts & prayers we are both very anxious about this afternoons appointment. Up until Monday we were both very positive and excited for it. But with the things that have happened this week we are preparing ourselves for the worse.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Help me...
Happy Anniversary!
8 years ago today I made the best decision of my life when I went down to the courthouse and said "I do" to my best friend. CJ and I don't normally do gifts for our anniversary but we'll go out to a nice dinner and a movie. This year we will be buying a new tv for our bedroom since ours is way to small and on the way out the door. We were originally hoping that tomorrow's doctors appointment was going to bring us wonderful news but with the events of this week we both know that is more than likely not going to happen. Trying to not stress about it though. It is what it is and at this point there is nothing I can do to change that. There is a reason we are going through this. I am very thankful for the friends that have stuck by us through this!
Last night was my last biology lab!!!! We have our last lab practical next Wednesday and then the lab portion will be complete! I cannot believe how fast this semester went by!!! If I do well enough on my written Spanish exam I won't even have to do my oral interview :-) That would be wonderful!!! Our written exam counts for 20% of our grade so I need to do WELL!!!
I think I'm going to take another week off from bowling tonight. It's still pretty sore and I'm not sure if it's still from the injection or if that just didn't work (doctors appointment next Friday). Plus, I could use the time to get some homework for my online classes done. I need to pull my Psychology grade up to a C to keep my financial aid next semester.
**Edited** CLASS WAS CANCELLED TODAY :-)I'll be at home all day now (instead of hardly at all) and hope to find some more new blog friends :-)
Last night was my last biology lab!!!! We have our last lab practical next Wednesday and then the lab portion will be complete! I cannot believe how fast this semester went by!!! If I do well enough on my written Spanish exam I won't even have to do my oral interview :-) That would be wonderful!!! Our written exam counts for 20% of our grade so I need to do WELL!!!
I think I'm going to take another week off from bowling tonight. It's still pretty sore and I'm not sure if it's still from the injection or if that just didn't work (doctors appointment next Friday). Plus, I could use the time to get some homework for my online classes done. I need to pull my Psychology grade up to a C to keep my financial aid next semester.
**Edited** CLASS WAS CANCELLED TODAY :-)I'll be at home all day now (instead of hardly at all) and hope to find some more new blog friends :-)
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
I have 7 days of classes left before exams-technically 8 but I'm not going to class Friday since we'll be at Duke all afternoon and then gone all weekend for Deqlan to bowl in a tournament. I have so much stuff to get done for school!!! I typed out everything I know I have left to get done for all 4 of my classes. I have no clue when I'm going to get it all done. I have class this morning and lab tonight. I hope it's a short lab so I'm home at a reasonable time tonight. I really got sick at the worst possible time.
So one of my goals this week was to not stress about CJ's appointment at the end of the week. I have already failed miserably at that given what happened Monday morning. This morning he went to get out of bed and completely fell on the floor. He couldn't feel his legs at all. I'm so tired of all of this stuff happening and just want him to be back to normal. Which I know the chances of that happening are slim but I can hope right?
I am not sure my house will actually get decorated for Christmas this year. All of the decorations are in the attic. With my knee I can't do the stairs to get up there (nor am I strong enough to carry it all down anyways) and now with CJ's issues he can't really do it. Of course if he had done it last week when I asked it wouldn't be an issue!!
I have some family coming into town next weekend. I am so excited to see them!! They were here in March and May together. They typically try to come once a year but my grandfather had a stroke in May so all of my aunts and uncles were here for a week. It was crazy!!! That was the first time my dad and all of his siblings were all together for the first time in 10 years. Needless to say we had lots of family in town all summer. But I am ready to see some family again!!
Tomorrow is mine & CJ's 8th wedding anniversary. I can't believe we've been married for that long already. I know when we got married not many people thought we would last. There is a 9 1/2 year age difference between us and I was pregnant. I dare say we have defied all of the odds especially with everything we have been through in the last two years with his health.
I hope everyone has a great day!
So one of my goals this week was to not stress about CJ's appointment at the end of the week. I have already failed miserably at that given what happened Monday morning. This morning he went to get out of bed and completely fell on the floor. He couldn't feel his legs at all. I'm so tired of all of this stuff happening and just want him to be back to normal. Which I know the chances of that happening are slim but I can hope right?
I am not sure my house will actually get decorated for Christmas this year. All of the decorations are in the attic. With my knee I can't do the stairs to get up there (nor am I strong enough to carry it all down anyways) and now with CJ's issues he can't really do it. Of course if he had done it last week when I asked it wouldn't be an issue!!
I have some family coming into town next weekend. I am so excited to see them!! They were here in March and May together. They typically try to come once a year but my grandfather had a stroke in May so all of my aunts and uncles were here for a week. It was crazy!!! That was the first time my dad and all of his siblings were all together for the first time in 10 years. Needless to say we had lots of family in town all summer. But I am ready to see some family again!!
Tomorrow is mine & CJ's 8th wedding anniversary. I can't believe we've been married for that long already. I know when we got married not many people thought we would last. There is a 9 1/2 year age difference between us and I was pregnant. I dare say we have defied all of the odds especially with everything we have been through in the last two years with his health.
I hope everyone has a great day!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Sometimes I should keep my mouth shut
Yesterday morning I talked about CJ's doctors appointment on Friday. And one of my goal's for my 5 for Five was to not stress out about his appointment. Already major fail!!!!
When I left the house yesterday morning everything was fine. I planned on dropping the boys off at school, heading to class, going to minute clinic for eye drops for my pink eye, and then coming home to relax before biology. HAHA! NONE of that happened after I dropped the boys off. I tried to call CJ while I was sitting in carpool at Deqlan's school but he didn't answer-no surprise there. He sent me a text while I was taking Hayden to school saying he was going to need to call an ambulance because the headache had gotten so severe he could hardly move (like couldn't stand up at all). I quickly dropped Hayden off at preschool and told the director what was going on. Drove 45 minutes to the store he was at (all while making phone calls to friends and family to figure out what to do with Hayd when he got out of school). Get to his store and a few other vendors helped wheel him out to the car in an office chair (his pain has not been that bad in MONTHS). Off to the emergency room we went.
We got to the emergency room about 10:45. They ran a CT (of his head which isn't the issue-I know that sounds crazy but his headaches are caused by a bone disease in his back) and did some blood work. Besides a slightly elevated white blood count (we are all battling a nasty cold-more on that in a few) everything looked fine. They gave him two doses of a super strong pain killer and a liter of fluids. That seemed to break the cycle fairly quickly. We were discharged about 2:30. Did I mention that I hadn't eaten anything all day? We headed straight to Jersey Mike's!! Then had to run home and get Hayden from my dad-who had picked him up from a friend of mine who was able to pick him up from school.
I had planned on heading to minute clinic after I got Deqlan from school only to find out that it was closed yesterday afternoon/evening for some reason. I figured since I was already going I would have them check out my sore throat too (it's been bothering me since Thursday evening). I decided I would just go to urgent care and get checked out because my eye was driving me crazy at this point (my eye doctor wouldn't call anything in without seeing me & suggested I have the ER doctor look at it-why pay for an ER visit when I know what it is??) Urgent Care actually was pretty quick (and I did not go to the same one we took Hayden to Sunday) and she confirmed yes I have pink eye (big surprise) and also a sinus infection. She goes everything's so swollen I can't even see the infection. Lovely. Left there with 3 prescriptions. As I pulled into Target to pick up my meds they called to let me know they were out of one of my prescriptions....THE EYEDROPS!!! The most important one. They wanted me to drive to another store to pick it up (20 minutes away) or wait til today...Neither of those were an option. I had them call the doctor and have her to change it to one they HAD it stock (didn't seem that a difficult choice to me). Thankfully they were able to do that pretty quickly. But it was 6:30 before I was home for good last night. And unfortunately I did not make it to my biology class last night. There was no way I could have driven home at 9:30 after class.
CJ's boss gave him the day off today so he could rest and get the rest of those meds out of his system. Which works since CJ's car is still at the warehouse. I have to drive him in this afternoon for a meeting and he'll drive his car home then and make the decision if he's going to work tomorrow or not.
I really wasn't lying yesterday when I said there wasn't a dull moment in our household. Here's to hoping the rest of the week is not as crazy.
***Welcome to my newest subscribers :-) **
When I left the house yesterday morning everything was fine. I planned on dropping the boys off at school, heading to class, going to minute clinic for eye drops for my pink eye, and then coming home to relax before biology. HAHA! NONE of that happened after I dropped the boys off. I tried to call CJ while I was sitting in carpool at Deqlan's school but he didn't answer-no surprise there. He sent me a text while I was taking Hayden to school saying he was going to need to call an ambulance because the headache had gotten so severe he could hardly move (like couldn't stand up at all). I quickly dropped Hayden off at preschool and told the director what was going on. Drove 45 minutes to the store he was at (all while making phone calls to friends and family to figure out what to do with Hayd when he got out of school). Get to his store and a few other vendors helped wheel him out to the car in an office chair (his pain has not been that bad in MONTHS). Off to the emergency room we went.
We got to the emergency room about 10:45. They ran a CT (of his head which isn't the issue-I know that sounds crazy but his headaches are caused by a bone disease in his back) and did some blood work. Besides a slightly elevated white blood count (we are all battling a nasty cold-more on that in a few) everything looked fine. They gave him two doses of a super strong pain killer and a liter of fluids. That seemed to break the cycle fairly quickly. We were discharged about 2:30. Did I mention that I hadn't eaten anything all day? We headed straight to Jersey Mike's!! Then had to run home and get Hayden from my dad-who had picked him up from a friend of mine who was able to pick him up from school.
I had planned on heading to minute clinic after I got Deqlan from school only to find out that it was closed yesterday afternoon/evening for some reason. I figured since I was already going I would have them check out my sore throat too (it's been bothering me since Thursday evening). I decided I would just go to urgent care and get checked out because my eye was driving me crazy at this point (my eye doctor wouldn't call anything in without seeing me & suggested I have the ER doctor look at it-why pay for an ER visit when I know what it is??) Urgent Care actually was pretty quick (and I did not go to the same one we took Hayden to Sunday) and she confirmed yes I have pink eye (big surprise) and also a sinus infection. She goes everything's so swollen I can't even see the infection. Lovely. Left there with 3 prescriptions. As I pulled into Target to pick up my meds they called to let me know they were out of one of my prescriptions....THE EYEDROPS!!! The most important one. They wanted me to drive to another store to pick it up (20 minutes away) or wait til today...Neither of those were an option. I had them call the doctor and have her to change it to one they HAD it stock (didn't seem that a difficult choice to me). Thankfully they were able to do that pretty quickly. But it was 6:30 before I was home for good last night. And unfortunately I did not make it to my biology class last night. There was no way I could have driven home at 9:30 after class.
CJ's boss gave him the day off today so he could rest and get the rest of those meds out of his system. Which works since CJ's car is still at the warehouse. I have to drive him in this afternoon for a meeting and he'll drive his car home then and make the decision if he's going to work tomorrow or not.
I really wasn't lying yesterday when I said there wasn't a dull moment in our household. Here's to hoping the rest of the week is not as crazy.
***Welcome to my newest subscribers :-) **
Monday, November 26, 2012
5 for Five!

I decided to link up with Jessica for the 5 for Five!! This is my first time linking up with her :-)
1. Get the house decorated for Christmas!! This includes two Christmas trees and misc. stuff around the house. I want to find some pretty garland to put on the mantle.
2. Finish my online Health assignments! One chapter quiz left, review questions that are due Dec. 7th, and hopefully she will have the study guide for the exam up early this week.
3. Catch-up lunch/dinner with my friend April! We've known each other for about 6 years now. But haven't seen each other in at least 3. We're planning for lunch tomorrow but at least at some point this week!
4. Order Christmas cards!! Since CJ and I have been married (8 years on Thursday) I have sent out Christmas cards...ONE TIME!!! I have a card I've designed on to decide if I love it :-)
5. STAY CALM THIS WEEK!! Friday is CJ's 6-month check-up with the oncologist where we will find out if the radiation treatments helped and we can go ahead with another blood patch. If it didn't work then we have to figure out the next game plan to try to keep him as healthy as possible and up and moving around for the next 20 years. This will be the hardest thing for me to do this week!
So our family has been battling a nasty cold for over a month now. Hayden brought it home and gave it to me, CJ got it a week or so later, Hayden got it again, and then promptly decided to share it with me yet again! So Wednesday afternoon I discovered that Hayden had pink eye and I woke up this morning and I'm pretty sure I now have pink eye! Whatever this cold's a doozy. I was super careful around Hayden and we were washing hands like crazy so this must just be our luck to both get pink eye. I guess I'll be heading to the minute clinic after class today to get looked at!!
9 more days of classes & then finals :-) Technically it's 10 days but CJ has a doctors appointment with his oncologist on Friday where we will be at the hospital all day so no class for me. I need to find time this week to get two Christmas trees up & decorated! Ready for this house to look like Christmas. I still need to find matching pj's for the boys. I get them matching pj's and then we take their picture by the tree. I'm having a hard time finding them now though because Deq is out of "little boys" sizes (not sizes 4-7 anymore!).
I don't know how much I will be around for the next few weeks while I deal with end of the semester craziness...although most of our work is done just a few things left (including a group project in biology that we haven't even gotten together on yet that's due next Monday and I'm out of town this weekend).
9 more days of classes & then finals :-) Technically it's 10 days but CJ has a doctors appointment with his oncologist on Friday where we will be at the hospital all day so no class for me. I need to find time this week to get two Christmas trees up & decorated! Ready for this house to look like Christmas. I still need to find matching pj's for the boys. I get them matching pj's and then we take their picture by the tree. I'm having a hard time finding them now though because Deq is out of "little boys" sizes (not sizes 4-7 anymore!).
I don't know how much I will be around for the next few weeks while I deal with end of the semester craziness...although most of our work is done just a few things left (including a group project in biology that we haven't even gotten together on yet that's due next Monday and I'm out of town this weekend).
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Never a dull moment
I swear there is never a dull moment in my house...Hayden fell this morning and hit his forehead on the corner of his bed frame. He took a nice chunk out of his forehead. We went to urgent care but since he took a chunk out they couldn't do stitches or glue. He has a steri-strip on it for now. This is the 2nd time since July that he has fallen and hurt his head. That boy keeps me on his toes!!
I am feeling a little bit better...back to the grind tomorrow!!
I am feeling a little bit better...back to the grind tomorrow!!
Friday, November 23, 2012
I am sick yet again...I just got rid of this stupid head cold a few days ago and I have it again. I started feeling bad last night after dinner and hardly slept last night. I have been in bed all day today! I cannot be sick right now-we have two weeks of classes yet which equals an in-class composition in Spanish, a Spanish test, a take-home test in Biology, lab practical in Biology, final project in Biology, review questions for health, study guide for health, a discussion board for psychology, and finals for each of those classes (2 in Spanish). Needless to say the next 2 weeks are going to be jammed full of stuff!!
I am thankful I have nothing to do tomorrow!! I will be resting at my parents house all day!!
Have a great weekend!!
I am thankful I have nothing to do tomorrow!! I will be resting at my parents house all day!!
Have a great weekend!!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
I sit here today on Thanksgiving very thankful for my families health. We have had an extremely hard year dealing with CJ's health issues but I am thankful for the time we have with him now. We have three family friends that are all battling cancer right now. One lady was 36 years old and diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time of the diagnosis she had a 5 year old and a 6 month old. She has been through so much in the past year and a half. She had her reconstruction surgery in May and her port removed at the same time. Two weeks later they found a massive tumor on her spine that crushed a vertebrae and required major back surgery. Last August a man whose kids I grew up with and looked up to as a father figure was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. The family was told he wouldn't make it through the holiday's. Over a year later he is now loosing his fight. The cancer has spread to his brain. Today will likely be his last holiday with his family. This past July a former co-worker was diagnosed with lung cancer. By the time they caught it, it had spread to her liver and breasts. She is spending today in the hospital while fighting an infection.
I'm not trying to be debbie downer today. But I do ask that you keep these families in your thoughts and prayers (or whatever it is that you do). I try hard not to complain about our frustrations with CJ's health with them or around them because well CJ does not have cancer. Although it is being treated as though it is. I take a lot of flack from a lot of people for how much I complain about these issues. BUT there is an uncertainty of how much longer CJ will be able to work or even walk and yes even be alive. It is so sad to say that I have lost many friends this year because of CJ's health issues. I guess they weren't real friends to begin with if they cannot support us through these tough times.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving today. Safe travels!! We are off to my mom's this morning to spend the day with them and eat lots of food :-)
I'm not trying to be debbie downer today. But I do ask that you keep these families in your thoughts and prayers (or whatever it is that you do). I try hard not to complain about our frustrations with CJ's health with them or around them because well CJ does not have cancer. Although it is being treated as though it is. I take a lot of flack from a lot of people for how much I complain about these issues. BUT there is an uncertainty of how much longer CJ will be able to work or even walk and yes even be alive. It is so sad to say that I have lost many friends this year because of CJ's health issues. I guess they weren't real friends to begin with if they cannot support us through these tough times.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving today. Safe travels!! We are off to my mom's this morning to spend the day with them and eat lots of food :-)
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
As if I wasn't still in a butt load of pain from my knee injection last week I am currently dealing with a ton of pain from my filling today. It took two nova-cane shots to even numb me and then it was almost 3 hours before it even started to wear off. Did I mention that I didn't eat this morning before my appointment?? So the first thing I ate today was about 4:00...My jaw is really sore for some reason...hopefully it'll go away tonight so I can enjoy all of our yummy snacks tomorrow before dinner :-) I will say I enjoy our appetizers more than I enjoy dinner (I'm just not a big turkey fan!)
Hayden has pink eye...I discovered that this took forever to get his prescription filled because the doctors office was sending it electronically and the pharmacy never received it. We finally got home about 3:15 this afternoon (we left at 10). It wasn't like we had a ton of stuff to do. We were done at the dentist about 1 and I took the boys to eat...I ended up picking up a few more Christmas presents while we waited.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! I have a lot to be thankful for this year :-)
Hayden has pink eye...I discovered that this took forever to get his prescription filled because the doctors office was sending it electronically and the pharmacy never received it. We finally got home about 3:15 this afternoon (we left at 10). It wasn't like we had a ton of stuff to do. We were done at the dentist about 1 and I took the boys to eat...I ended up picking up a few more Christmas presents while we waited.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! I have a lot to be thankful for this year :-)
Holiday craziness
Whooo!!! No more school til Monday :-) Of course I do have a quiz due on Friday for my online health class...I think I'll knock that out today! I was really hoping to sleep in a bit this morning (I guess I actually did since I didn't get up until 7:30 when I'm normally up no later than 5:30). I have a dentist appointment today for a filling at 12 (and I have to bring both boys!) and we need to run to Toys R Us, Ulta & Target. Thankfully none of those errands will take long at all. Once we get home we have to start prepping food for tomorrow :-) My favorite part of Thanksgiving is all of the appetizers we have beforehand as lunch. It started with just deviled eggs and a bread dip and now it also includes buffalo chicken dip and pigs in a blanket. So today I need to make the breakfast casserole that I bring over in the morning (mom doesn't usually have much in the way of appetizers since she's busy cooking-at least this way she has a good breakfast), the buffalo chicken dip, and ice cream cake for dessert. I'll make the pigs in a blanket tomorrow morning once I get to moms!
I am excited that my brother and sister-in-law will be with us for dinner this year. We get them every other year for Thanksgiving and then they are with her parents when they aren't with us. CJ's mom comes over to my parents house and eats Thanksgiving dinner with us and then his brother and his girlfriend come over for dessert. My grandparents will also be joining us this year. My grandfather had a mild stroke in May and is still not back to where he was before hand. Thankfully though he is up and walking on his own again and has back all of his language skills!
We have to give my mom our Christmas lists tomorrow (she told my brother he has to give it to her when he walks in the door) she'll get mine before dinner! LOL!!! I really don't want a whole lot this year. I want an iPad but I know she won't get me that so there is no point in putting that on my list...I've got clothes and books and some sigma makeup brushes to help build up my collection.
What are you wishing for this year for Christmas??
I am excited that my brother and sister-in-law will be with us for dinner this year. We get them every other year for Thanksgiving and then they are with her parents when they aren't with us. CJ's mom comes over to my parents house and eats Thanksgiving dinner with us and then his brother and his girlfriend come over for dessert. My grandparents will also be joining us this year. My grandfather had a mild stroke in May and is still not back to where he was before hand. Thankfully though he is up and walking on his own again and has back all of his language skills!
We have to give my mom our Christmas lists tomorrow (she told my brother he has to give it to her when he walks in the door) she'll get mine before dinner! LOL!!! I really don't want a whole lot this year. I want an iPad but I know she won't get me that so there is no point in putting that on my list...I've got clothes and books and some sigma makeup brushes to help build up my collection.
What are you wishing for this year for Christmas??
Monday, November 19, 2012
11am tomorrow morning cannot come fast enough!!! Two classes today & one tomorrow morning and then Thanksgiving break is here!!!
My knee is still really bothering me. I have crutches to use today for walking to class but they are such a pain and I am not very coordinated on them so I don't know that I will actually use them (plus they hurt my shoulders). I'm feeling very down about this whole process right now. I am already convinced that it didn't work-which is difficult to feel that way since I got two different pieces of information-one from the nurse who said I'd be back to normal the next day and one from the doctor who said take it easy for 3 weeks.
I'm off to class this morning but I will try to check back in this afternoon and give an update of my weekend. I am going to try to get some posts drafted while I'm on break this week so I have some things ready to go while I finish up the semester. So if there is anything you want to know please leave it in the comments below!!
My knee is still really bothering me. I have crutches to use today for walking to class but they are such a pain and I am not very coordinated on them so I don't know that I will actually use them (plus they hurt my shoulders). I'm feeling very down about this whole process right now. I am already convinced that it didn't work-which is difficult to feel that way since I got two different pieces of information-one from the nurse who said I'd be back to normal the next day and one from the doctor who said take it easy for 3 weeks.
I'm off to class this morning but I will try to check back in this afternoon and give an update of my weekend. I am going to try to get some posts drafted while I'm on break this week so I have some things ready to go while I finish up the semester. So if there is anything you want to know please leave it in the comments below!!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
All About Me
1. I was born on October 7, 1986
2. I have a brother who is 6 years older than me. We hated each other growing up but now we are very close. He has been married for almost 4 years to my wonderful sister-in-law Val. They have recently begun the adoption (well foster-to-adopt) process and we cannot wait to have a new family member!!
3. My husband was one of my husbands friends (they still are). That's how we met.
4. I started dating CJ when I was 17 and he was 27. The only person in my family that knew was my brother.
5. CJ asked my brother for permission to marry me (my parents didn't know yet).
6. My relationship with CJ moved very quickly. We started dating in March, were engaged in June, we got pregnant in July, and married in November.
7. CJ told my parents about us and my pregnancy all by himself (talk about brave)!
8. We got married a week after telling my parents about our relationship.
9. They totally like him more than they like me now!
10. I've always been interested in sports medicine. I think it's because I have grown up in and around sports. I'm still considering doing something with sports medicine.
11. My birthday and Deqlan's birthday's are exactly 6 months apart. So we each turn a half year older on the others birthday :-)
12. Both boys were born by C-Section.
13. The number 7 is important to me. My bday is 10/7, Deq's is 4/7, & Hayd's is 8/21 (divisible by 7).
14. I have been bowling since I was 2 1/2 years old. CJ bowls and so do both of the boys. My parents & brother bowl as well.
15. My brother played baseball basically my entire life. He was drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates after his Freshman year in College but decided not to sign and stay in school. He then blew his elbow out pitching and rehabbed too quickly and blew it out again ending his career.
16. He grew up playing with and against Josh Hamilton. Which means I grew up with Josh and love watching him play ball and his story is amazing. He is a true inspiration to me!
17. You know the show Lizard Lick Towing?? Yeah I grew up less than a mile from there. I promise we are not all country-bumpkins!!
18. Deqlan is way smarter than I ever could have imagined any child of mine could be. He is in 2nd grade reading and comprehending on a 5th grade level. I'm proud to say he has had the best 3 days back at his old school. I'm so happy that we made this decision to transfer him back. It's been so long since I've seen him this happy!!
19. I am ready for summer! Deq does swim team (Hayd will this year as well) and I miss my swim team moms! We have joked that Lifetime needs to do a reality show about us during swim meets and practices because it can get CRAZY with us Wave mommas!!
20. My goal is to be done with college by the time Deqlan starts middle school. Which is going to happen way sooner than I want and will be a hard goal to meet if I don't figure out what I want to do with my life!!!
Anything else you want to know?? Just leave questions in the comments below!!
2. I have a brother who is 6 years older than me. We hated each other growing up but now we are very close. He has been married for almost 4 years to my wonderful sister-in-law Val. They have recently begun the adoption (well foster-to-adopt) process and we cannot wait to have a new family member!!
3. My husband was one of my husbands friends (they still are). That's how we met.
4. I started dating CJ when I was 17 and he was 27. The only person in my family that knew was my brother.
5. CJ asked my brother for permission to marry me (my parents didn't know yet).
6. My relationship with CJ moved very quickly. We started dating in March, were engaged in June, we got pregnant in July, and married in November.
7. CJ told my parents about us and my pregnancy all by himself (talk about brave)!
8. We got married a week after telling my parents about our relationship.
9. They totally like him more than they like me now!
10. I've always been interested in sports medicine. I think it's because I have grown up in and around sports. I'm still considering doing something with sports medicine.
11. My birthday and Deqlan's birthday's are exactly 6 months apart. So we each turn a half year older on the others birthday :-)
12. Both boys were born by C-Section.
13. The number 7 is important to me. My bday is 10/7, Deq's is 4/7, & Hayd's is 8/21 (divisible by 7).
14. I have been bowling since I was 2 1/2 years old. CJ bowls and so do both of the boys. My parents & brother bowl as well.
15. My brother played baseball basically my entire life. He was drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates after his Freshman year in College but decided not to sign and stay in school. He then blew his elbow out pitching and rehabbed too quickly and blew it out again ending his career.
16. He grew up playing with and against Josh Hamilton. Which means I grew up with Josh and love watching him play ball and his story is amazing. He is a true inspiration to me!
17. You know the show Lizard Lick Towing?? Yeah I grew up less than a mile from there. I promise we are not all country-bumpkins!!
18. Deqlan is way smarter than I ever could have imagined any child of mine could be. He is in 2nd grade reading and comprehending on a 5th grade level. I'm proud to say he has had the best 3 days back at his old school. I'm so happy that we made this decision to transfer him back. It's been so long since I've seen him this happy!!
19. I am ready for summer! Deq does swim team (Hayd will this year as well) and I miss my swim team moms! We have joked that Lifetime needs to do a reality show about us during swim meets and practices because it can get CRAZY with us Wave mommas!!
20. My goal is to be done with college by the time Deqlan starts middle school. Which is going to happen way sooner than I want and will be a hard goal to meet if I don't figure out what I want to do with my life!!!
Anything else you want to know?? Just leave questions in the comments below!!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Lip Balm Swap & Recovery
A few weeks ago I heard about a lip balm swap & decided to participate. I think it's safe to say I enjoy swaps :-) I was paired up with Nichole. I found out she lives in a city that I frequent often...I should find out some of the good places to eat for our trip this year. Anyways she got me a Burt's Bee's lip balm set...4 of them and a holder! I just tried out a Burt's Bee's for the first time a few weeks ago and I love it so these will definitely get lot's of use!
So I had my PRP injection yesterday. The nurse told me last week that I'd be back to normal the next day. The doctor told me to take it easy for 3 weeks. I'm confused how is that back to normal? In any event I am really sore today and needed crutches to walk to class...of course the set we have we're too tall even on the lowest setting so I limped my way to class and around target today (so much for taking it easy). My neighbor let me borrow her son's set so I have those for when I need them. I haven't decided if I'll take the boys bowling in the morning or if I'll just let my parents take them. I took a nice 3 hour nap this afternoon! I'm sitting in bed with my knee propped up...I probably need to ice it again at least one more time tonight then maybe the throbbing will stop. I can only take tylenol and it just doesn't work for me!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
So I had my PRP injection yesterday. The nurse told me last week that I'd be back to normal the next day. The doctor told me to take it easy for 3 weeks. I'm confused how is that back to normal? In any event I am really sore today and needed crutches to walk to class...of course the set we have we're too tall even on the lowest setting so I limped my way to class and around target today (so much for taking it easy). My neighbor let me borrow her son's set so I have those for when I need them. I haven't decided if I'll take the boys bowling in the morning or if I'll just let my parents take them. I took a nice 3 hour nap this afternoon! I'm sitting in bed with my knee propped up...I probably need to ice it again at least one more time tonight then maybe the throbbing will stop. I can only take tylenol and it just doesn't work for me!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The boys went to my parents house for dinner last night while CJ & I went out to dinner with our friends. When I picked them up my mom told me that Deq admitted that he liked the school he was at but didn't like any of the kids because they were all mean. He has told me this before and I just didn't believe he could like a school where the kids were so mean to him. I think it is because he LOVES school in general. When he told his classmates that yesterday was his last day (which he didn't know until 2:30 or so) one of the little girls told him "good it's about time you left." First of all that breaks my heart that she would say that to him. Second of all what in the world makes her think that's ok! That is the exact reason why we left that school. Between the bullying and the mean kids I know that Deqlan will be much happier going back to his old school today. I can't wait to not have to deal with crazy carpool anymore & to actually a carpool number and not his name on a tag (that drives me INSANE!) I have to walk Deq in this morning and go meet his new teacher and give her the quick run down of what our school year has been like. I do feel bad that Deqlan will end up going to school longer this year since he started at the end of July and was originally slated to get out at the end of May. Now he won't get out until June 10th (who thought a Monday for the last day of school was a good idea?) But he's already had one track out (2-week break). He is so excited for school this morning!
The dreaded head cold has hit our house. Hayden had it 2 weeks ago and was oh so kind to share with me. I've had it for a week now and even though we tried our hardest CJ has it now. We all know how men get when they are sick. He is annoyingly pitiful. The pressure from the head cold is making his already pressure filled head feel like it is going to explode. He is staying home from work today to try to rest and knock this stuff out. Whatever I still function when I am sick-although if I had a day to just sleep I bet I could get rid of mine too!
I am so thankful that Thanksgiving is next week. That 3-day break is coming at the perfect time. I am feeling worn out and am just tired of school work. End of the semester stuff is keeping me busy. I will still have a ton of work to do over Thanksgiving but I won't have to drive to class :-) The majority of my long-term assignments are done except review questions for my health class that I plan on getting done over Thanksgiving break. Then we only have 3 weeks of classes and then exams!! I have 6 exams for 4 classes which I think is crazy. A written and an oral exam in Spanish, a lab practical and written exam in Biology, and then an exam each for my two online classes. I cannot wait to be done and have a 3 week break from school!! My schedule next semester will only require driving to campus 3 days a week for two classes in the mornings. No night classes! And then I'll also have two online classes.
I hope everyone has a great day!
The dreaded head cold has hit our house. Hayden had it 2 weeks ago and was oh so kind to share with me. I've had it for a week now and even though we tried our hardest CJ has it now. We all know how men get when they are sick. He is annoyingly pitiful. The pressure from the head cold is making his already pressure filled head feel like it is going to explode. He is staying home from work today to try to rest and knock this stuff out. Whatever I still function when I am sick-although if I had a day to just sleep I bet I could get rid of mine too!
I am so thankful that Thanksgiving is next week. That 3-day break is coming at the perfect time. I am feeling worn out and am just tired of school work. End of the semester stuff is keeping me busy. I will still have a ton of work to do over Thanksgiving but I won't have to drive to class :-) The majority of my long-term assignments are done except review questions for my health class that I plan on getting done over Thanksgiving break. Then we only have 3 weeks of classes and then exams!! I have 6 exams for 4 classes which I think is crazy. A written and an oral exam in Spanish, a lab practical and written exam in Biology, and then an exam each for my two online classes. I cannot wait to be done and have a 3 week break from school!! My schedule next semester will only require driving to campus 3 days a week for two classes in the mornings. No night classes! And then I'll also have two online classes.
I hope everyone has a great day!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Quick update!
We found out this morning that Deqlan's transfer request was approved!!! He will be back at his old school tomorrow morning :-) I haven't seen him with a smile that big after school since August!!!
We are heading out to a nice dinner with friends tonight & the boys are off to eat with my parents :-)
We are heading out to a nice dinner with friends tonight & the boys are off to eat with my parents :-)
Monday, November 12, 2012
No school!
For the boys! I don't know why my College didn't cancel classes...but they didn't so the boys got to sleep in a bit & are getting ready to head to the neighbors so I can go to Spanish. I have class tonight as well (including a test) not looking forward to that at all!! I'm almost done with this semester and I feel like all of this work is being piled on (as always). Of course my health paper last week (that I got 100 on) I knew about all semester but didn't get the actual assignment until 2 weeks before and just never had time to do it until the day it was due! And today I have a psychology assignment due that I've known about all semester and still haven't done (as in thought I had an article for it went to start working on it this morning and had to find another one!) So I will be up late working on that tonight because once I get home from class this morning I have to study for Biology! My psychology assignment is due at 11:59 so I guess I'll be up late tonight!
I will try to check in tomorrow but who knows if that'll happen at this point. We are going out to dinner with some friends tomorrow night to a very nice restaurant so once I get home from school I have to get all of my homework knocked out so we don't have to rush to get home (although we do have to pick the boys up from my moms) I may try to convince her to bring them home once we are on our way. Glad she only lives 3.5 miles away :-)
I will try to check in tomorrow but who knows if that'll happen at this point. We are going out to dinner with some friends tomorrow night to a very nice restaurant so once I get home from school I have to get all of my homework knocked out so we don't have to rush to get home (although we do have to pick the boys up from my moms) I may try to convince her to bring them home once we are on our way. Glad she only lives 3.5 miles away :-)
Saturday, November 10, 2012
The Great Pumpkin Swap
I recently participated in The Great Pumpkin Swap hosted by Allie. I was partnered with Athienna. Go visit her blog!! She is so nice! I have enjoyed getting to know her over the past few weeks.
My package arrived Monday which was perfect timing! Monday was my meeting with Deqlan's school principal and I really needed a pick me up :-)
Athienna was so kind to get me a post-it note pad (which is going directly in my bookbag!), a small notebook (going to be perfect for in my car), a pack of mini-pens (also going in the car), a $5 gift card to Panera (perfect for next week when Hayden has Lunch Bunch), a bag of trail mix (a flavor I haven't tried), and three new recipes to try!!
I didn't get my package off until Monday but it didn't have to travel too far so I am hoping that she received it yesterday or today at the latest. Thank you Athienna for being so generous!!
My package arrived Monday which was perfect timing! Monday was my meeting with Deqlan's school principal and I really needed a pick me up :-)
Athienna was so kind to get me a post-it note pad (which is going directly in my bookbag!), a small notebook (going to be perfect for in my car), a pack of mini-pens (also going in the car), a $5 gift card to Panera (perfect for next week when Hayden has Lunch Bunch), a bag of trail mix (a flavor I haven't tried), and three new recipes to try!!
I didn't get my package off until Monday but it didn't have to travel too far so I am hoping that she received it yesterday or today at the latest. Thank you Athienna for being so generous!!
Friday, November 9, 2012
I am currently trying to register for spring semester classes. Webadvisor refuses to load. Gotta love my school. They know how to piss me off before I even step on campus for the day. If I loose these classes they won't like me very much! I tried calling help desk and they don't open til 8...they are supposed to be open early during registration. So much for that.
We bowled CJ's team last night. My team bowled really well...CJ's team bowled better. He shot 300 (again like his 20th one LOL) but I was still crying before he even threw the 12th shot. It has been such a long year with all of his health issues. He didn't bowling from Christmas 2011-August 2012. We were both concerned he wouldn't get back to where he was. I think that is why I was so emotional about it.
I have a dentist appointment this afternoon and I'll have to take Hayden with me. And hopefully I will get my PRP injection scheduled today but I think the nurse that needs to schedule is off which means it'll be Monday before they schedule it. All because the office couldn't call to let me know I don't need per-authorization for the procedure. They decided they wouldn't call until they knew my portion. They were already told I was getting it done regardless of how much it costs. Anything to make my knee feel better I will take the risk and spend the money!!
I need to get Hayden up and ready for school!
We bowled CJ's team last night. My team bowled really well...CJ's team bowled better. He shot 300 (again like his 20th one LOL) but I was still crying before he even threw the 12th shot. It has been such a long year with all of his health issues. He didn't bowling from Christmas 2011-August 2012. We were both concerned he wouldn't get back to where he was. I think that is why I was so emotional about it.
I have a dentist appointment this afternoon and I'll have to take Hayden with me. And hopefully I will get my PRP injection scheduled today but I think the nurse that needs to schedule is off which means it'll be Monday before they schedule it. All because the office couldn't call to let me know I don't need per-authorization for the procedure. They decided they wouldn't call until they knew my portion. They were already told I was getting it done regardless of how much it costs. Anything to make my knee feel better I will take the risk and spend the money!!
I need to get Hayden up and ready for school!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
So I ended up having to miss my class yesterday because Hayden was sick and tonight I missed my Biology Lab because I am sick. Really bad timing with finals coming up in ONE MONTH!!
I don't remember if I have talked about this but Deqlan has been bullied by a 5th grader at school. Harmless name calling but it finally got to the point where Deqlan lost his cool and hit the kid upside the head with his lunchbox. Of course Deqlan was punished by the school with two days of silent lunch with the assistant principal. The issue is the school doesn't think this is a case of bullying. To add this to the long list of things the school has done since we've been there in July finally made me reach my breaking point. We submitted a request to have Deqlan transferred back to his old school this morning. We should have our answer in 7-10 business days (which will make it after Thanksgiving because of Veteran's Day and the fact they are only open Monday-Thursday). I am asking for all prayers for patience for us and that they grant us the request. Otherwise I will probably have to homeschool him for the rest of the year which will mean not taking classes next semester myself.
That's all for tonight I need to get in bed so I can get up on time and study in the morning for my Spanish test tomorrow.
I don't remember if I have talked about this but Deqlan has been bullied by a 5th grader at school. Harmless name calling but it finally got to the point where Deqlan lost his cool and hit the kid upside the head with his lunchbox. Of course Deqlan was punished by the school with two days of silent lunch with the assistant principal. The issue is the school doesn't think this is a case of bullying. To add this to the long list of things the school has done since we've been there in July finally made me reach my breaking point. We submitted a request to have Deqlan transferred back to his old school this morning. We should have our answer in 7-10 business days (which will make it after Thanksgiving because of Veteran's Day and the fact they are only open Monday-Thursday). I am asking for all prayers for patience for us and that they grant us the request. Otherwise I will probably have to homeschool him for the rest of the year which will mean not taking classes next semester myself.
That's all for tonight I need to get in bed so I can get up on time and study in the morning for my Spanish test tomorrow.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Not feeling it today
I'm just not feeling it today...and by it I mean just about everything. I don't want to go to class (but I will), I don't feel like dealing with Deqlan's school (but I have too), and really don't feel like leaving the house (and again I have to).
It was an incredibly long weekend that required me to spend the entire thing in a bowling center for a tournament. I bowled well Saturday but not Sunday and I am disappointed in myself for that. I cannot wait to get my stupid knee fixed and be back at 100%. Tired of wasting money in tournaments. Upside we will be bowling in a tournament before we go to Nationals in May (we haven't bowled the last 3 or 4 years) and it's at the beach which makes me incredibly happy :-)
Deqlan apparently has been bullied by a 5th grader (he's in 2nd grade) basically the entire school year. Tuesday Deqlan finally had enough and hit the kid with his lunch box in the back of the head. Of course Deqlan was disciplined and the school doesn't think that this is a bullying issue. The kid has been calling Deqlan names all year. The first I heard of this whole situation was the phone call from the assistant principal on Wednesday. I am not a fan of her. She doesn't think this older child calling Deqlan names EVERY SINGLE TIME he sees him is considered bullying. Just him trying to be the class clown. Well I've got news for that school. That is bullying if Deqlan feels picked on-which he does. I wish Deqlan had told me about it when it started but you better believe we did not punish him at home for standing up for himself. I'm furious that the school punished him. So I need to get an appointment with the principal today and go in and see what we can do about transferring him back to his old school. We are so unhappy where he is this year and I just can't tough it out for the rest of the year. We NEVER had issues last year or in Kindergarten. I want him out of that school now (my mom thinks I should wait til Winter Break but that is still 6 weeks away). Thankfully my dad is an attorney and now represents the Board of Education so that may help make things a little bit easier. But I can tell you this if the principal tries to give me the run around dad will be in that office with me tomorrow morning.
Add all of that on top of it being the end of the semester for me and all of the teachers piling on crazy amounts of work because heaven forbid that be spread out through the entire semester!! I am stressed and ready for this next 5 weeks to be over...Then I get a wonderful 3 week break before spring semester starts!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
It was an incredibly long weekend that required me to spend the entire thing in a bowling center for a tournament. I bowled well Saturday but not Sunday and I am disappointed in myself for that. I cannot wait to get my stupid knee fixed and be back at 100%. Tired of wasting money in tournaments. Upside we will be bowling in a tournament before we go to Nationals in May (we haven't bowled the last 3 or 4 years) and it's at the beach which makes me incredibly happy :-)
Deqlan apparently has been bullied by a 5th grader (he's in 2nd grade) basically the entire school year. Tuesday Deqlan finally had enough and hit the kid with his lunch box in the back of the head. Of course Deqlan was disciplined and the school doesn't think that this is a bullying issue. The kid has been calling Deqlan names all year. The first I heard of this whole situation was the phone call from the assistant principal on Wednesday. I am not a fan of her. She doesn't think this older child calling Deqlan names EVERY SINGLE TIME he sees him is considered bullying. Just him trying to be the class clown. Well I've got news for that school. That is bullying if Deqlan feels picked on-which he does. I wish Deqlan had told me about it when it started but you better believe we did not punish him at home for standing up for himself. I'm furious that the school punished him. So I need to get an appointment with the principal today and go in and see what we can do about transferring him back to his old school. We are so unhappy where he is this year and I just can't tough it out for the rest of the year. We NEVER had issues last year or in Kindergarten. I want him out of that school now (my mom thinks I should wait til Winter Break but that is still 6 weeks away). Thankfully my dad is an attorney and now represents the Board of Education so that may help make things a little bit easier. But I can tell you this if the principal tries to give me the run around dad will be in that office with me tomorrow morning.
Add all of that on top of it being the end of the semester for me and all of the teachers piling on crazy amounts of work because heaven forbid that be spread out through the entire semester!! I am stressed and ready for this next 5 weeks to be over...Then I get a wonderful 3 week break before spring semester starts!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Never stopping
I am so ready for this semester to be over! I feel like I never get a chance to just sit at home and relax!! I slept in an extra hour this morning and since I've been up I've been responding to e-mails and cleaning out my inbox-it was a disaster!
My husband had to take the boys out trick-or-treating by himself last night since I had class and he hasn't sent me the ONE picture he took (I asked him to take pictures)so I'll try to get that tonight so I can show you my Elmo & Zombie tomorrow. Lab last night was the biggest waste of time (as they usually all are). We spent the majority of the night just sitting around talking and playing on our phones while we waited for the lab to set up. Besides the fact that there wasn't enough of the items ready for the lab-way to go lab manager!
I get to register for classes next Friday. I have them selected and sitting in my account just waiting to hit register at 7am next week. I'm taking two classes on campus and two online again. But my two on campus classes will be back-to-back in the mornings. There will be no more driving to campus twice a day and no more night classes. We end up not having any time as a family-especially dinner time-because I am always upstairs working on homework while eating dinner.
I have a paper due in health tomorrow that I haven't even had a chance to start. Hopefully I won't have much homework tonight and will be able to knock most of it out so I can revise it tomorrow when I get home from school. I feel so unorganized with school right now and it is driving me crazy. If I can just get through these next 5 weeks without pulling my hair out or strangling someone I'll be good!!
I have league tonight (3 games) and a tournament this weekend (3 games Saturday & 6 on Sunday) and then I'm subbing Sunday night (3 more games). I wonder if I'll be able to walk on Monday?? This is probably not my best idea. Bowling 15 games in 4 days...9 in one...I haven't done this since I was 17 and my knee wasn't bad. I'm hoping that the doctor's office will call today but probably not (they had a sign up that said insurance stuff takes 5-7 days). So if I'm lucky I'll hear from them middle of next week :-( My time to get the procedure done is so limited because I have to take someone with me and then stay off my leg for the rest of the day. Which means it has to be done on CJ's day off or get my mom to take a day off of work. For CJ to do it that limits me to a Thursday or Friday for the next month (which one is Thanksgiving week)and I don't want to do it on a Thursday because then I can't bowl and would have to sit at the bowling center icing my knee all night. And to do it on a Friday I can only do two of the Friday's because of things I can't miss in class and CJ has an appointment at Duke.
Today's post ended up being way longer than I thought...I really want to get some posts done and saved for during the week but I don't think there will be time to get that done this weekend. Maybe next week/end. Have a great day!!
My husband had to take the boys out trick-or-treating by himself last night since I had class and he hasn't sent me the ONE picture he took (I asked him to take pictures)so I'll try to get that tonight so I can show you my Elmo & Zombie tomorrow. Lab last night was the biggest waste of time (as they usually all are). We spent the majority of the night just sitting around talking and playing on our phones while we waited for the lab to set up. Besides the fact that there wasn't enough of the items ready for the lab-way to go lab manager!
I get to register for classes next Friday. I have them selected and sitting in my account just waiting to hit register at 7am next week. I'm taking two classes on campus and two online again. But my two on campus classes will be back-to-back in the mornings. There will be no more driving to campus twice a day and no more night classes. We end up not having any time as a family-especially dinner time-because I am always upstairs working on homework while eating dinner.
I have a paper due in health tomorrow that I haven't even had a chance to start. Hopefully I won't have much homework tonight and will be able to knock most of it out so I can revise it tomorrow when I get home from school. I feel so unorganized with school right now and it is driving me crazy. If I can just get through these next 5 weeks without pulling my hair out or strangling someone I'll be good!!
I have league tonight (3 games) and a tournament this weekend (3 games Saturday & 6 on Sunday) and then I'm subbing Sunday night (3 more games). I wonder if I'll be able to walk on Monday?? This is probably not my best idea. Bowling 15 games in 4 days...9 in one...I haven't done this since I was 17 and my knee wasn't bad. I'm hoping that the doctor's office will call today but probably not (they had a sign up that said insurance stuff takes 5-7 days). So if I'm lucky I'll hear from them middle of next week :-( My time to get the procedure done is so limited because I have to take someone with me and then stay off my leg for the rest of the day. Which means it has to be done on CJ's day off or get my mom to take a day off of work. For CJ to do it that limits me to a Thursday or Friday for the next month (which one is Thanksgiving week)and I don't want to do it on a Thursday because then I can't bowl and would have to sit at the bowling center icing my knee all night. And to do it on a Friday I can only do two of the Friday's because of things I can't miss in class and CJ has an appointment at Duke.
Today's post ended up being way longer than I thought...I really want to get some posts done and saved for during the week but I don't think there will be time to get that done this weekend. Maybe next week/end. Have a great day!!
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