This whole time I had been looking at flights into St.Paul...yeah there's an airport in Rochester BUT only 3 airlines fly into it which means NO free baggage :( I always fly Southwest but it looks like we will be flying Delta (way cheaper than American) and will have to pay for luggage so I guess I will be lugging our stupid winter coats on the plane :(
I've found a hotel that I like for the stay. It is a fairly new Hampton Inn. Knowing that I will probably spend the majority of the time by myself in the hotel I want someplace nice and safe. So now it is crunch time. Time to start making lists and getting the house cleaned and decorated for Christmas and getting some Christmas shopping done (hard to do with no money!). Since we will be gone at the beginning of the month and not really knowing for sure when we will be back I want to have as much done for the holiday's as I can. I am looking forward to 2014 being a HEALTHY year!!!
Please keep us and the boys in your thoughts and prayers over the next 6 weeks. They will be staying with my parents while we are away but we have never both left them for more than a night let alone a week!