The weekend ended up being fairly low-key. Which was lovely considering this weekend is busy and then I'm out of town the following two weekends. Saturday morning the boys (including CJ who was off) & I got up and headed to the bowling center to get some practice in. I made it through 2 games (not enough) when I felt some serious pain in my knee so we packed up and headed home. I spent the rest of the day resting and icing my knee. Sunday we headed down the road 45 minutes for Deqlan's double header. The first game was just plain ugly, the kids just couldn't get it together in the field. By the end of the game though they were finally hitting the ball and managed to score some runs. Final was 10-4 (I am not convinced that the other team only scored 10). The second game was much better! They were hitting the ball and fielding the ball so well. They lost the game but it was a hard fought game. Final score 10-9.
This week has been rough. I've been fighting a sinus infection, this is like the fifth one since October, and have had absolutely no energy. I've been trying to stay on top of housework in preparation of being out of town next weekend and the weekend after. Deqlan's Rec ball team started games this week. Tuesday night's game was canceled due to soaking wet fields but we were able to play last night. I made a menu for this week and we only missed one night. Which for us is amazing! Tonight we are heading to a minor league baseball game that's only a few minutes from the house with some of the kids from our Rec team. We have become very close with our head coach and his family because both of the boys are on the select team and one of the kids from the other Rec team going with us. We have all become a family since Select started in January...Literally the kids all love each other (6 boys & 1 girl), us moms are the best of friends, and the two husbands feel totally outnumbered. Tomorrow is one of the boys birthday (and we have to miss his party because of a bowling tournament) so we cannot wait to celebrate with him tonight at the game. The baseball players get to wear their uniforms and got out on the field before the game and meet the players and then they'll get to run the bases afterwards. Tomorrow Deqlan has a bowling tournament in the afternoon. So we will spend the morning helping my mom get some things done around her house. Sunday we have our last regular season select games! I am so sad. They are playing in a tournament in two weeks but I will be in Reno. Select ball has been one of the best decisions we have made for Deqlan this year!
Next week will be a busy one prepping to head to Charlotte for Deqlan's bowling tournament. All while trying to get lots of practice in on the lanes for me. I have not been able to bowl nearly enough to be ready for Reno in two weeks. I'll also be trying to get ready for Reno next week since I have a short week the week we leave.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!!